- 人生中的重大轉折到目前為止有三個:第一個是十五歲時因病休學;第二個是大學畢業後留學英國二年;第三個是卅歲當了媽媽。
- 我很懶得運動,但是為了讓身體健康,決定強迫自己養成運動的習慣,就從學跳肚皮舞開始。如果可以,也順便藉此讓自己體態輕盈一點。
- 曾經夢想要當演員,但是幸好沒有,要不然得努力維持苗條、不見得能成名賺大錢,而且以前做過的糗事可能會全部被狗仔隊挖出來,我應該會很想死吧!
- 加盟開店的經驗讓我深感挫敗,但是我仍然會朝著「當手工藝老師」努力。如果可以的話,也希望在孩子上小學之前能繼續當自由工作者。
- 長久以來,我一直有寫日記的習慣,有時也會寄手寫的卡片給朋友。手寫的感覺很真實,而且也讓人感受到誠意。有了孩子之後,雖然自己的時間減少,但是無論如何,至少一星期也還是要補記當周大事。
- 我是個電腦白痴,只會使用電腦的基本功能,打打字、上個網沒問題,但是其他的,生活上用不著的一律都不會。要是電腦中毒或是出了什麼狀況,全都是老爺要處理。
- 目前的我不喜歡成為照片的主角。不過,如果還有機會能夠比現在瘦10~ 15公斤,擁有當模特兒的身材,我一定要去拍沙龍照留念。
- 如果不是現有條件(膝關節老化)的限制,我很想再拿出直排輪鞋來好好溜一溜。這個看似輕鬆的運動,即使我只會基本動作,還是會累的。
- 以前我很喜歡雲霄飛車的速度感,但是自從在澳洲的夢幻世界樂園裡玩過恐怖塔之後,那種四秒內從零加速到將近180公里的時速,讓我覺得找不到更刺激的遊樂設施,因此幾年來再也沒有想要玩雲霄飛車的動力。
- 做完月子之後,我的體質由原本的怕冷變成很怕熱、易流汗,這成為我生活上的困擾之一,也因此不喜歡夏天。
Here comes another 10 items. As for the last 5 items, please wait for Part III.
- There are 3 significant transitions in my life: the 1st, I dropped out from school for 1 year because of Hodgkin's lymphoma when I was 15; the 2nd, I studied abroad in England for 2 years after I graduated from university; the 3rd, I became a mother when I was 30.
- I am not very keen on doing exercise. But, for the reason of being healthy, I decide to compel myself to start from belly dance. If it is possible, I’d lose some weight and have a better figure at the same time.
- I was dreamed to be an actress, but it’s lucky I do not practice this dream. I’d prefer to die if I have to keep slim and beauty by all means all my life, face the possibility of not being famous and not make enough money, and all embarrassments are possible to be dug out by stalkerazzis.
- I feel deep frustration about open a franchise store, but I will try my best to be a handicraft teacher. If it is possible, I also hope to be a free lance before 2 kids are old enough to study in elementary school.
- I am used to write in a diary for years, sometimes I hand-write cards to my friends. Handwriting make me feel real, also others can feel my sincerity. Though I have less time because of being a mother, I still keep on hand-writing diary once a week at least.
- I am not good at using computer. I can only use its basic functions like typing or connecting to websites. As for other further functions I do not need in my life, I am incapable of using them. In case of virus, or out of order, that would be my husband's duty to fix my computer.
- I don't like to be shot in any photo at present. But, if I have a chance to lose 10~15kgs of weight, and have a model figure, I will definitely go for studio photography.
- If it is not for the constraint of my body condition (ageing of my knee joints), I'd like to enjoy roller-blading again. This exercise looks free and easy, it made me feel tired even if I could only do the basic tricks.
- I once liked to ride on roller coasters very much. After one time I tried on "The Horror Tower" in "Dream World" in Australia, the car accelerated from 0km to almost 180kms in 4 seconds, let me feel that I couldn't find any entertainment facility which is more excited than the Horror Tower, so I do not have motive to ride on roller coasters for years.
- After I labored 2 kids and took a rest for a month, my constitution changed. I used to hate cold weather, but now I can't bear hot weather and easily sweating. It has became one of my torments in my daily life, therefore, I don't like summer time recent years.